Comprehensive IP-related data beyond trademarks.

We can supply you with the best dataset, whatever the jurisdiction, source, language, and subject of interest.

Comprehensive IP-related data beyond trademarks.

Dive into our extensive IP-related data.

Brands and naming:
✓    Commercial names.
✓    Company names.
✓    Domain names.
✓    Geographical indications and denominations of origin.
✓    Labels.
✓    Trademarks.
Patents and inventions:
✓    File patent wrappers.
✓    Industrial designs and models.
✓    Industry standards and standard essential patents (SEP).
✓    Patents and utility models.
✓    Royalties and licensing.
✓    Supplementary protection certificates (SPC).
Life and other sciences:
✓    Chemical data.
✓    FDA and other agencies.
✓    Medical data.
✓    Pharma and life sciences data.
✓    Plant varieties.
✓    Scientific publications.
✓    Sequences.
Many others:
✓    Company data.
✓    Copyrights.
✓    Court and case law.
✓    Law and rules.